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The Butcher’s Daughter (2022)

The Butcher’s Daughter (2022)
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The Butcher’s Daughter (2022)

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Rated: 5.52 out of 10 with 50 votes.
Watch The Butcher’s Daughter (2022) : Full Movie Online Free Charly is the editor in chief of a fashion magazine. When her father dies, she inherits the family business: a butchery. Not exactly her passion in life... She’s about to sell it when Mar- tial, who worked for her father, wants to take it over, but she is having second thoughts. These two opposite characters will have to get used to one another.
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5.52 PG Belgium, France Les Films du Cap, M&M Films, G Films, SCOPE Pictures, Orange Studio Trailer
Main Actors:
Géraldine Pailhas
Charly Fleury
Arnaud Ducret
Martial Toussaint
Alison Wheeler
Carole Katayan
Stéphane De Groodt
Miguel Amestoy
Jean-François Stévenin
Jacques Fleury
Antoine Gouy
Yves de la Closerie
Elisa Ruschke
Anne Le Ny
Mrs. Keller
Antony Hickling
Sid Kharish
Clarisse Canteloube
Romain Poirier
Emilie Crubezy
Thierry Dauplais
Véronique Müller
Marie-Bénédicte Cazeneuve
Clara Leroux
Audrey Garcia
Juliette Allain
Pierre Parra
Monique Martial
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